bethk wrote:You can tell summer has officially arrived when your mouth only wants a great burger!
I just saw something on the Today Show...a lady made fried sweet potato bits by deep frying shreds of sweet potato stripped off the raw potato with just a peeler and then fried in deep fat until crispy...all to top a burger. Yummy!
I'm getting hungry for some inside-out-burgers. I make two thin patties and then put together with a slice of onion and mozzarella cheese. Have to be sure the edges are sealed really well and cooked slowly until done. Amazing! Of course you can vary the ingredients with whatever sounds good to you. Mr. Amazing likes peppers and feta for a Greek burger. DD likes crisp bacon and Monterey Jack and diced onion. Endless variety. Hard to keep track of who's is who's once you put them on the grill....I bit into the Greek one once and gagged! We all know mozzarella is the only one I do....oh, sometimes I'll add some pizza sauce. Just don't put too much inside or they explode on the grill and it all oozes out. I keep some foil closely to scoop 'em on just in case that happens so all the stuffings don't hit the coals. The cheese getting crispy aground the edge on foil isn't such a bad thing,
Beth... I like pillow burgers, but you are right. Must not overstuff with stuff.
Tina mixes chopped onion, and ketchup in her burgers, but I don't like them like that. They fall apart too when she over onions the burgers. What I learned was, I fry them in a skillet just enough to firm them up, and then I have the grill hot, and then finish the cooking right on the grill.
I have a great tip that I invented because of certain somebody's that want different stuffing, or different seasonings in their burgers, or as a matter of fact, just about anything. DONT LAUGH !!!
OK ... here is my trick to separate city chicken made with ground pork and veal, and Just Pork for DD's BF who will not eat Veal.
I just added a drop of food coloring (we call it cake coloring ) on the tip of the stick; so they are Lenny's Pork Only City Chickens! . LOL hahahahahahaha
With Burgers, I take a toothpic and stick it flat in the side of the burger. If you have colored toothpics, it's even better. That way I know who's are who's and what's are what's.
I don't like Ethiopian Pig seasoning in my burgers so I mark mine with just a toothpick through the side.
BTW .... the coloring does not turn the frying oil red or whatever color you use.
Hot Sausage I just cut the one end off the link to differentiate hot and plain. . (0000) = plain... (0000] = hot